Breakthrough to Success
Let go of the "stuff" that's holding you back, slowing you down and standing in the way of you having your life the way you want it.
Do the things you've always wanted to do.
What would you like to accomplish in your life? If you could do anything you wanted, what would you do? Breakthrough to Success allows you to choose and experience those things you once only dreamed of.
Personal transformation.
Nobody is perfect. We all have things we want to change. The question is what do you want to change? What would you like to improve? And how would you like things to be different? In The Breakthrough To Success, you will learn the Mind Performance™ techniques to give you the power to make personal changes quickly and easily.
Create the life you want NOW and in the future.
What do you want to have in your life? If you could have anything at all, what would you want – emotionally, financially, mentally and spiritually? The Breakthrough To Success shows you specifically how to choose what is important for you and how to achieve those things you desire.
What makes this program so incredible?
The Mind Performance™ tools used in this process will the way you think. It helps you remove the blocks that prevent you from doing, having or changing what you want. Limiting decisions, limiting beliefs and conflicting values can be eliminated, affording you the ability to make new choices about yourself and your life.
"You are an inspirational change maker and I experienced many shifts and breakthroughs this weekend. The world needs you and the work you do."
Barbara Wallick
Prosperity Coach
"I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me and I left with a new skill set that I can practice going forward. I highly recommend Teri for anyone who may feel overwhelmed in their life, this was a serious life changing two days for me, I was able to move from where I was stuck and struggling to where I wanted to be in a very short period of time. Thank you so much Teri you are truly amazing."
Denise Dale
The Thoughtful Journal
"This woman is a powerful influencer. She has shown me the magic of clarity and emotional control. Letting go of past negative emotions has been a game changer in my life and I highly suggest you experience a breakthrough to success weekend with her! Teri’s teaching skills are on point and she injects such a powerful energy into her delivery. Highly recommended!."
Sandi Fisher
Hair Stylist
"1 week after taking Teri's Breakthrough weekend, I'm still buzzing! In those 2 days, I was able to let go of emotional roadblocks that were standing in my way and now I'm more motivated to reach the goals I placed in my future.
Thanks Teri for an amazing life-changing weekend!"
Ashley DoanĀ
CEO of WriterGal Marketing
I had heard of NLP but not of Time Line Therapy. All I can say is I wish I had, a hell of a lot earlier. What I experienced and witnessed in the room was just short of a miracle at work. By the end of the weekend, I felt so light, like the weight of yearsĀ of negatives were wiped away. It was not invasive or exhausting at all which was nice.
Thank you Teri for sharing what you do.
Mat Boyer
Engagement Coach and Business Strategist
I've always been a happy person, well, mostly happy ... but I honestly haven't known the meaning of joy till my recent work with Teri Holland. I seriously didn't know that I was capable of, despite EVERYTHING crappy in life, waking up stoked and crazy happy and grateful to be alive day after day. It's the most remarkable thing...really really.
Lorri KlassenĀ
Digital Marketing Expert
What will you achieve?
• Get back in touch with the life of your dreams
• Stop negative emotions that keep you from having what you want
• Let go of sadness, so that your joy for living can shine through
• Dissolve anger for greater personal control and well-being
• Eliminate the destructive power of guilt
• Move from fear into personal power
• Gain total emotional freedom for life
• Make the right decisions in your life
• Motivate yourself and get back your passion for living
• Learn a method of setting goals that really works
• Propel and launch yourself!
Breakthrough To Success
An 8 week, intensive coaching program to overcome the "stuff" that's holding you back, slowing you down and getting in the way of having your life the way you want it.
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