What is the overarching purpose of you? You are listening to the Teri Holland show, the podcast for high performing entrepreneurs ready to take your life and your business to the next level. And if you wanna get there faster, go to teriholland.ca. If there is one thing that I know with absolute certainty, it is that you have a purpose.
Every single person on this planet is here for a reason, and you have a purpose, but your purpose might not be what you think it is. And that's what we're gonna talk about today. Last week I talked about the journey I've been on with health and healing and how that ties into purpose. And today I wanna dig into the purpose part of that conversation.
Just over a year ago, I did a three-part series on finding your purpose and it brought me. With a man named Paul Davis who was on the third part of that series, and I encourage you to go back and listen to that episode after you listen to this one. I'm going to link that episode in the show notes. Make it really easy for you to find, because working with Paul really helped me to identify what my purpose is and to start pursuing my life's purpose.
But here's the thing, you have a life's purpose and we've talked before that your business has a. And your business purpose should fit into your life's purpose. They're going to align, right? Because your business needs to serve your overall life purpose, but there's something greater than that. You have an overarching purpose, a reason that you as a soul are here.
So your soul has a purpose and your soul has a purpose that is greater than what it is you do in this. And your life's purpose is to serve that overarching soul's purpose. So let's dive into that today, and I'm gonna also tie it back into how that connects into this new way that I'm shifting my thinking about healing my body in the hopes that it will also help you as well.
My life's purpose as I have discovered it and as I have tied it into my business, and it makes sense to me now. To help people to fully and infinitely express themselves creatively. I want to help you fully express who you are out into the world to be seen, to be heard fully and authentically as you.
You know, I have been podcasting for almost eight years. In May it'll be eight years. I can't believe it. And oh, listen, if you've been listening to the show since the very. Or close to the beginning, can you send me a message and let me know because I, I have some thoughts about how I'd like to celebrate.
Cause I think eight years is a milestone. Uh, I think that is the only relationship I have had longer than this podcast is my relationship with my husband. Like, let's just be clear, I don't have friendships that are older than this show. I, I'm gonna say like, next to my marriage, this is the most important relationship I have.
My relationship with you is the most important relationship I have other than my husband. That's kind of a big deal. I mean, as I'm thinking about it now, I probably met my, my absolute best friend. Uh, I probably met him around the same time I launched the podcast, but we weren't best friends yet. So you and I, this, you're important to me and you matter.
Anyway, I digress a little bit, but, but anyway, if, if you've been listening since the beginning, can you please let me know? Send me a little message. Instagram's the best way to find me link again in the show notes. I'm on Instagram as the Terry Holland. Just send me a message there. Let me know. You've been listening from the beginning because I have some ideas for how I wanna celebrate eight years and I want you to be a part of it anyway, it's been about eight years and eight years in May and.
When I launched this show, I didn't think anyone would listen to me. That's why I was able to launch it so quickly. That's why I took action so rapidly is because it spoke to something deep within my soul, and I didn't think anyone would listen. So what did I have to lose? If I thought all of you would be listening?
I probably never would've launched it. ? Yeah. And a few years later, I launched a course, an online course called Launch Your Podcast. . I'm not, I'm not the greatest namer of things, so I tend to just call things what they are. This is the Terry Holland show, because it's the Terry Holland show launch. Your podcast course is called Launch Your Podcast, cuz the course is to launch your podcast.
And I've kind of slept on it like a lot of people have taken it, but I haven't done much to promote it other than the very first run of it. I promoted that, but I, I didn't do much to really grow that or leverage it. , you know, people just kind of find it and take it and it's been on the back order of my business.
But I've realized through this year of discovery of what my purpose is. That is my purpose, is to help you be seen and heard and get your message out into the world. And what an amazing vehicle to do that. What podcasting, which I love. So I started re-looking at my podcast course recently, and there's a problem with it.
The problem is that a lot of people have taken. and for every 10 or so people who take it, maybe, maybe one launches, and I'm probably being overly generous, but the feedback that I get from people is I love the course. It was so easy, so clear to follow. You made it so simple. You took all the fear and stress out of it.
Oh, I love this. Can't wait to launch my show. And then I wait. And I wait, and I wait to see their show and there's no show. So why aren't people launching their shows? because spoiler alert, it's not about the tech. It's not about the mechanics of launching the podcast. It's not about the topics you're gonna speak on.
It's about the people out there listening and what will they say? What will they think? If I talk into this mic and I show myself and I share what's in my. , what will they think and will they judge me for it? Who? Fear of judgment. That's what stops us. That's what's hold us. That's what holds us back in life is fear of judgment.
What will they say? What will they think? How will they judge me? Will they kick me out of the tribe? There is a deep biological fear tied in this because back in our primitive days, When we all lived in a tribal society at some point, our ancestors, we all descend from tribal cultures, and our ancestors knew that if they were kicked outta the tribe, it was certain death.
You could not survive in that environment without the safety of the tribe. So we have this wired into us. This need to be liked and accepted by our tribe members for survival. But here's the thing, we're not living in those days anymore, and our tribes are global. You are a part of my tribe. I don't know you.
Some of you who've reached out to me, I, I know, but for the most part, I don't know who you are, but I know you're a part of my community and my tribe. So you can find a new tribe, you can find a global tribe, and the people who need to hear your message are out there. So here's what I'm doing now. I've created a five day challenge.
To help you to launch your podcast because I realized it's, it's not about the platforms that you're hosting on. It's not about how to use GarageBand or Audacity to record. It's not about that. That's the easy stuff that we can cover in a day. Easy peasy. The problem is getting over that, that hurdle of what are they going to say?
So I've created this five day challenge and it starts March 20th, and in this challenge, I'm going to guide you step by step of the way for five days over. online trainings where we are going to go from idea, the idea that's in your head of wanting to launch a podcast, to having your podcast at the end of the week.
And if that does not excite you, I don't know what would excite you. Cuz I think that's very exciting. So how does this tie into purpose? Oh, and by the way, I'll link the challenge in the show notes. So if you're listening and you're like, ah, I wanna do that, Terry, I would like to have a podcast, then join my challenge.
Come hang out with me for a week and we'll get your podcast started. , but how does this tie into purpose? Well, because I believe that it is my purpose to help you get your voice out into the world. And I know that you have a purpose, but there's so much more than that. And this is where I'm gonna tie it back into the health conversation we had last week.
Our overarching purpose in life. And this is what I've learned from working with Paul. So credit to Paul. Our overarching purpose in life is to evolve. And in order to evolve, and I don't mean evolve, like physically evolve, I mean spiritually evolve. Our soul is here to learn and evolve. And in order to do that, there are some things we need to do.
We need to love unconditionally. We need to experience life fully, all of. Experience all of it fully. The ups, the downs, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. We're here to experience it. Your soul wants to experience things. You see, we tend to get caught up in all the human stuff of life. The dramas, the interpersonal relationship conflicts with people.
or in our lives, you know, it could be your boss, your coworker, your teammates, your staff, your employees, your clients, friends, family, people on the internet. We get caught up in these dramas and stories and tend to get wrapped up in all this human stuff. And we forget who we are. And who you are is a soul.
You are a soul having a human experience. Sometimes it flips the other way we, and we think we get caught up thinking that we're just human or we're humans having a soul. But the truth is that you are a soul having a human experience, and the purpose of this experience is to evolve. . So I fully believe that everything is happening for us, the good and the bad, and I don't really believe there is good or bad.
There are just events and we attach meaning to those events. Now, some things, when we're in our humanness, some things are really shitty. Let's just be clear. I, I don't wanna sugarcoat that and I don't want to, um, I don't wanna bypass that. There are some things in, in our human experience that really suck and are.
But if we can rise above that and look at that from the soul level, that even when it sucks and there are things that suck, even when it sucks, there is still a higher intention for what's happening. And it's taken me some time to, to get here myself. So if this concept is hitting you in a way that you don't like, I, I get.
In NLP we talk about cause and effect. We talk about perception is projection. We talk about these concepts and you know, I always say when I'm teaching NLP students that perception is projection is the one that keeps on giving. So what is perception is projection. So for those of you who haven't studied MLP perceptions, projection is that everything that's happening outside is happening.
as above, so below perception projection teaches us that anything I see in you has to be in me too, because I can't perceive anything outside of my nervous system. I can't perceive anything outside of my experience of it. So however I see you is a reflection of me. You are my reflection. I am your reflection.
That is perception is projection at a. Introductory level, but it's a concept that through my years of studying, NLP continues to give more and more. And I get it, and I get it more, and I get it more, and I get it more. And I'm starting to really get now how this is happening on a much higher plane of existence.
So on one plane, this human world, things can be really sucky. And yet at the same time, . I have an understanding that at a higher conscious level, it is still happening for me. And the purpose of having the experience that I'm having is to evolve as a soul. And it doesn't mean that I have to enjoy the experience.
It doesn't mean that it doesn't suck. It means that it sucks and it means it's shitty and it's still working in my favor. It's still for. Now we need to talk a little bit about positivity and toxic positivity, because I don't want you to confuse us with toxic positivity. And there is a lot of it out there.
You know, that's, those are the the people who say, oh, look for the silver lining. Just smile. Just keep smiling through the pain. It's fine. Or I'm a positive thinker. This is not about ignoring what's happening in your life because that is the opposite of experience. We don't get to ignore our problems. We don't get to ignore our pain.
We need to experience the problem. We need to experience the pain because that's where we get to grow. That's where the evolution begins to happen, and I have been on this health. , which I'm recognizing more and more has been such an amazing opportunity for my own growth and development that it was necessary.
It had to happen for my greater good. This that I've been going through had to happen. . And when I shifted my thinking to realize that, that this wasn't happening to me, I am not a victim of an illness. I am not bound by these conditions, that I had to recognize that this is all happening for me on a higher level, and my humanness hates it and thinks that this sucks and this is shitty and it's not fair, and I don't like it.
I don't enjoy it. And yet, at the higher conscious level, my higher conscious mind knows this is what needs to happen in order for me to evolve the way I need to evolve.
There's a difference between that and being a positive thinker or toxic positivity and ignoring the problem, ignoring our problems doesn't work. They don't go away. I don't know if you've ever done that before, but I know in my experience, anytime I've ignored a problem in my life, it gets bigger and bigger and worse and worse until finally I have to deal with it.
Case in point, this week I have been spending some time, or it's only Monday, so this the last couple days I've spent some time cleaning out my email inbox. This has been a pain point for me for years, and you might be thinking, Terry, that's ridiculous. It's just an email inbox, but I need to confess something to.
My inbox had about 200,000 plus unread emails in it that have accumulated over years, and it became this mountain of avoidance that I just didn't want to deal with it, but I know that it was cluttering up my brain because every time we have unfinished business, every time there are things. Strings that we leave hanging off something that we don't complete things.
It, it takes up mental space and energy. And my inbox had become a big energy drain. I didn't even wanna look at it anymore because it felt so overwhelming to deal with. And I was at an event last Friday at All Women's Conference, uh, called The Big. The Big Dream? No, the Dream Big Conference. That's what it was called, the Dream Big Conference.
I went with a friend of mine, Louisa, and Louisa is a phenomenal virtual assistant. I will have her on the show at some point. She's a virtual assistant, an online business manager, and she's a brilliant administrator, organizer, planner. She is the opposite of everything I am, which is probably why. Really connected because we, we tend to balance each other quite nicely.
And I was telling her about my horrendous email inbox and she was like, Terry, you've gotta get a handle on this. I'm like, I know, I know. It's embarrassing. It's a, you know, it's a, it's a problem. It's become a problem. And she said, you've gotta filter them into labels and folders and you've gotta clean it up.
And I said, I don't like. I think I know how to do that, but I don't know if I know how to do that. So at this conference, she pulls out her laptop and she's like, let me show you how to quickly create some labels. And she showed me. So I was, I was fired up. Now I knew what to do. I went home and I started filtering, labeling things, color coding, all my labels, cuz things have to look pretty for me.
And then I set to work at deleting on mass hundreds of thousands of. . And let me tell you, it has been a project. So I, I get comfortable, I get cozy, I make a cup of tea, I put on an audio book to listen to, and I just start select all, delete, select, all delete. Because let's face it, if I haven't looked at these emails in years, they are no longer important.
There is nothing in there that is so important that I can't, you know. , if I delete it, it's gonna end my world somehow as I know it, it's, it's not gonna be catastrophic if I lose something. I did make sure if any of you were listening to this and you're thinking you're gonna do the same, I did make sure that everything that had an invoice or receipt attached was labeled and archived first.
So that was step one, making sure all the invoices just in case I need something, I need to find something in email. We're all backed up. And then I started deleting on mass. . So it was a problem that I had ignored, and so the problem got bigger and bigger and bigger, and now I have to spend some time dealing with it.
And that might not seem like a very big problem, but if you put that onto other problems of your life, I ignored my health. It became a bigger problem. Uh, when we ignore things in our lives, it doesn't solve the problem. It'll make the problem worse. There's a saying that goes around in the personal development space.
What we resist persists. And that's what happens when we ignore our problems. So this is not what I'm saying today. This is not about thinking positively. This is not about toxic positivity of, you know, oh, just see the silver lining and ignore the bad stuff. We don't get to ignore the bad stuff that is part of experiencing life fully.
We need to fully experience life. That is why we're here. That's how we evolve. And even though sometimes those experie. Really, uh, are unpleasant or they're shit. And on the human level we don't like it. And we say, why me? Why is this happening to me? This is unfair. I didn't sign up for this. I didn't want this.
I don't want this. And yet we're here to experience all of it Now. . I'm also not saying that you created the bad stuff that's happened in your life. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying you're to blame for any of the bad stuff that's happened in your life. I'm not saying that you're to blame or that you chose to be hurt by people in the past.
I'm not saying any of that. What I'm saying is that shitty things happen in our human experience and we need to experience it to allow ourselves the experience that we're going. To allow ourselves to feel it, to allow ourselves to experience what we're experiencing in whatever way we're experiencing it.
And that is how we get to evolve and move forward. When we ignore our problems, they fester and they get worse, and it becomes, uh, it becomes shittier. To put it bluntly. I feel like I'm swearing a lot in this episode. I don't normally, but I think when I get really excited about talking about something, then the, the swears come out, the curse words come.
So you are here for a purpose and your purpose is to evolve. And we do that through learning to love unconditionally, not loving the way we talk about love, not lust, not attraction, but to truly love and, and I believe true love, the true essence of love. Well, first of all, I believe that we are love, that our true essence of our soul is.
and everything else is an illusion. So we are here to love unconditionally to remember who we are, which is love again, not the love that we normally talk about or think about. Not romantic love, but true love. And true love is accepting everything. True love is loving a person with all the good and all their flaws and all of.
and still loving them. True love is seeing a person in their absolute worst and still loving them. That is unconditional love. That's a hard thing, I think, in our human world to, you know, sometimes I think it's a hard thing in our human world to understand or to grasp that kind of love, but that is who we are.
That's our essence, and we're here to experience life fully, all of it. The good, the bad, the shitty stuff, the wonderful, joyful stuff. We get it all and we're here to experience it. And the more we resist those experiences, the more they persist and they get worse until we actually experience what we need to experience in order for our souls to evolve.
That's the overarching purpose of our lives and why we're here, the soul's purpose, but within it, within your life, you have a purpose. and your business ideally is tied to that purpose. So you need to be able to express that purpose. That's, that's part of experiencing life fully, is to be able to live your life's purpose, to accomplish what it is you are here to accomplish.
You know, imagine that you're here or that before you came here to this life, imagine that. Signed a contract and you agreed to conditions, you agreed to doing a job, and now it's your time to fulfill that job. And I know that my job is to help people to fully express themselves creatively. And one way I'm going to do that is by helping people launch their podcasts.
So if you wanna join the challenge, you launch your podcast, click the link in the show notes and join. We'll get your show launched and it will be fun. We're gonna have fun with it. And I wanna leave you on this one last thing, that whatever your life's purpose is, just know you have one. You are here for a reason, and I believe that you also have a message to share with the world, and it's time for people to hear your message.
I wanna thank you for joining me today, and again, if you've listened to me from the very beginning, I wanna hear from you or near the beginning, like if you've listened for a long time, I wanna hear from you because I have some plans for the eighth birthday of the Teri Holland Show, which is in May. And I just wanna thank you again for being here and joining me today.
As always, your five star reviews are always welcome. It helps my show be seen. It helps other people to find this show so that I can help more people like you. And I hope that you have a fantastic day. Bye for now.