Teri Holland (00:00.88)
Welcome, Dominika. I'm so glad to have you here. I've been looking forward to this interview with you.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (00:06.403)
Teri I'm super excited to be your guest and to provide value to your listeners.
Teri Holland (00:11.28)
Awesome. Well, I think the first thing that we need to start with, I think, is what is neuroencoding and what does a brain coach do?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (00:21.699)
your question. Well, neuroencoding is a method that we use in brain coaching. Neuroencoding, it is using neuroplasticity and how your brain is wired to recreate new patterns in your head and new neural pathways so you can default to your best behavior. Because about 90%, 95 % some studies say percent of your behavior is just habit and it's formed in your brain.
Teri Holland (00:22.96)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (00:49.091)
And brain coaching consists of neuroscience, neuropsychology, knowledge of the brain, the medical knowledge, which part of your brain is responsible for what, how does the brain correlate with your gut and your blood work and your body and how does it function altogether? And using all that knowledge to help you create a life that you want in the area of anxiety, depression, fear of failure, procrastination, overwhelm.
Um, things like managing anger, creating your ADHD, if you really have it, making it your superpower. And it allows to do it without medication with lifestyle changes, but also with real work on your brain and your neuroplasticity, understanding how it works and making it work for us. So we can, you know, kind of optimize your brain and do what you want it to do instead of.
Teri Holland (01:25.776)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (01:42.32)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (01:44.675)
kind of functioning and going with the flow, which is the worst thing you can actually do because there's no awareness with going with the flow and you have no control over your life. And a lot of us kind of seem to be in that go with the flow because facing, you know, what's in your brain and clear, we did not choose to have a brain like we do. We did not choose to have those patterns implemented. We did not choose to have the thoughts we have.
Teri Holland (02:01.36)
Teri Holland (02:07.888)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (02:13.635)
But the moment we recognize them, it is our responsibility to change them if they don't serve us.
Teri Holland (02:19.568)
Right, right. Interesting. How did you get into this line of work? Was this something that, you know, when you were a little girl, you thought, I'm going to be a neuro -encoding specialist and a brain coach? Or how did you get here?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (02:32.739)
Well, that's exactly what it was. Well, it didn't exist then because we didn't have that much knowledge about neuroscience. Actually, when I was a little girl, there was no neuroscience and everybody was, you know, we were talking about mental illness and we didn't really understand the brain. This knowledge sped up last 15 years. So there are not many people who do what I do. And even a lot of psychiatrists are not aware of the knowledge that I have because they were trained in the old system. A lot of their
Teri Holland (02:41.616)
Teri Holland (02:59.248)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (03:01.955)
because don't know the things I know because they were trained in old system. Now don't get me wrong, there are some amazing therapists, some amazing psychiatrists, and this is an upgrade before you go on medication. But besides that, how did I get into it? Well, I was a coach before. I was a coach, career coach working with six figure and cut armors. I was working with the government in Poland, with European Union, quite recognizable name, very long time ago, about seven years ago.
Teri Holland (03:06.51)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (03:32.163)
Life played a lot of things. In the past, I also went through my turmoil and I went like, this cannot be life. The truth is that the money is not what fulfills me. And the problem with money is that people think that when they have money, they're going to be happy. Money makes life easier, but it doesn't make you happy because happiness comes from sharing and enhancing our lives and somebody else's. Tony Robbins says this really cool sentence. He goes,
Teri Holland (03:47.728)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (04:00.963)
You can only experience so much happiness on your own to enhance your happiness and to feel it more. You need to share it with somebody. And it is so important to have that in your back of your head. So I was going through my changes, having my coaches growing, developing, going to courses, reading books, having my own coach. Great. And one day I see this announcement, Dr. Amon.
Teri Holland (04:05.998)
Teri Holland (04:10.286)
Teri Holland (04:22.798)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (04:27.107)
Dr. Daniel Eamon, the world -class neuropsychiatrist who I adore, who works with all the NFL players and we kind of get their brains back into normal after all the trauma they experience during the playing NFL and getting hit all these times. With Dr. Joseph McClendon III, who has a PhD in neuropsychology, so both ways, are doing a program together, Brain Revolution, that was three and a half years ago.
Teri Holland (04:30.16)
Teri Holland (04:41.928)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (04:55.779)
And I fell in love because finally I'm a very science -based person. I love spirituality, but I want to know that when I'm helping you, there are signs behind it, at least at the moment, this is proven that it works and there is some merit behind it. And they started teaching us and there were a few of us that went through the course. Some people are using the knowledge from themselves. Some people decided to continue and just make this their career like I did.
Teri Holland (04:56.304)
Teri Holland (05:05.806)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (05:23.043)
And I absolutely fell in love with it. And what's amazing about these two programs, the Neuron Coding Institute now and Dr. Eamon University, is that when we finished those courses, right, that lasted about six months of five, six calls a week, seven calls a week, each hour and a half with loads of tests and knowledge about basal ganglia and prefrontal cortex and...
Teri Holland (05:41.968)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (05:46.883)
how, you know, your blood work influences what's optimum in your blood work, what's normal and why those are not the same things, all of those things. And they kept training us and it's been three and a half years and we still get three trainings a week. How amazing. I mean, I've never been in something like this. I'm in love with what I do because people don't need me after they work with me. They don't. They can go on their merry way, enjoy the new tools and have a better.
Teri Holland (06:00.368)
Teri Holland (06:04.41)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (06:09.904)
Teri Holland (06:14.968)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (06:16.067)
less stress, you know, with no anxiety, with no fear, or at least way less fear. I wouldn't say no fear. That would be unhealthy if you have no fear. Fear is good. It just, if it overtakes your life, then that's where we want to work on it. So that's how I run into them three and a half years ago. I got certified, you know, included my masters in it and kind of started learning more and more. Added some Andrew Huberman, added some studies from Stanford, and that's how I became to be who I am.
Teri Holland (06:27.408)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (06:41.872)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (06:46.)
That's amazing. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. So, you know, as this show is mainly for entrepreneurs and the audience is very entrepreneurial, so how can we or do you have any suggestions for how we can optimize our brains for performance and success in business?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (07:04.963)
Oh, absolutely. Well, first of all, we got to remember that everything you do depends on your brain, how you make decisions. Are you a risk taker? Are you a person who has fear of, you know, change? Are you an innovator? All of that is your brain. It's not your body. You all probably exercise and take care of your body because everybody told you got an exercise you do great. And you all probably try to eat right. You do great. And.
Teri Holland (07:11.792)
Teri Holland (07:27.662)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (07:34.576)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (07:35.267)
You forget about the key thing that decides about your success, besides a little bit of luck in entrepreneurship, which is your brain.
Teri Holland (07:41.872)
Mm -hmm. Right.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (07:44.963)
So with that being said, first thing I would say, there are quite a few studies and most people, you know, we have this culture of going, oh yes, you know, I work hard, I sleep three hours a day, you know, and I'm just so awesome. No, you're not. No, you're not. So I know this was the trend for many, many years that you got to work hard, play hard. No, you don't. No, you don't. See.
Teri Holland (08:00.432)
Teri Holland (08:06.416)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (08:10.563)
The problem with that is that your brain needs time to clean out the BS that we received a day, about 129 million bits of information that our brain processes. Most of it is totally unnecessary. We process between 50 ,000 and 70 ,000 conscious thoughts a day. Most of it is a lie. So our brain requires rest because that's when...
Teri Holland (08:20.942)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (08:39.011)
you actually come up with ideas. So if you're an entrepreneur and you say, I'm going to make a decision right now because I'm emotional and I feel like, no, no, no, don't, don't, don't do what our elders said, sleep on it. So what happens when you're asleep, your brain stops working and using energy for your whole body for it to function, walk, talk, do everything we do. And that's when it cleans out the BS from our head as well as it accesses deep memories.
Teri Holland (08:48.558)
Teri Holland (08:52.784)
Teri Holland (08:58.874)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (09:08.899)
If you ever had a feeling and you woke up in the morning, you go, oh my God, I got it. Or, oh my God, I know what I'm going to do. That's exactly what happened in your brain. Your brain access deep memories that it wasn't able to access when you were doing your daily things because it uses a lot of energy to function, you know, for your heart, to direct your kidneys, brain and everything else. So first thing, do not underestimate sleep.
Teri Holland (09:09.102)
Teri Holland (09:13.872)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (09:33.296)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (09:36.003)
People say, oh, I can sleep five hours a night. Well, then you're like 1 % of the population. And I don't believe that every entrepreneur is 1 % of the population. Usually it is a fear of missing out, fear of success or fear of failure. And you have an emotional attachment to a thought where if I don't do this, then I'm not going to make it. And that is what's preventing you from sleep. Another thing, if you're an entrepreneur,
Teri Holland (09:41.84)
Teri Holland (09:59.536)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (10:03.149)
If you look at the studies from 1987, it was done on 2000 soldiers and it's very important to bring that up. The soldiers were sleeping seven to nine hours and then they were taken to a shooting range after a week. Their shooting accuracy was 98%. Then they had them sleep for a week, six hours. I mean, not much less, pretty good, right? 2000 people. Their accuracy was 64%. And...
Teri Holland (10:27.568)
Yeah. Yeah.
Teri Holland (10:31.608)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (10:32.323)
had them sleep five hours, the accuracy was 42, and then under four hours and less got down to 28%. And I'm going to ask you a very clear question. Would you like somebody with 28 % accuracy to make decisions about your business and your life?
Teri Holland (10:42.222)
Teri Holland (10:51.728)
No, absolutely not.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (10:54.691)
So that's number one, sleep, use your sleep. Another thing that's important and we've been told that over and over that the goal is more most important. They're entrepreneur, which I'm also one. And in my whole life, I've maybe been an employee for four years. My whole life, I used to run businesses. I would create businesses and sell businesses. I really.
Teri Holland (10:57.016)
Teri Holland (11:06.67)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (11:16.72)
Mmm, amazing.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (11:23.435)
love this type of life. What I have learned is that if you're needed 24 seven, that is your need, not your company need, or you're not managing right. So if you cannot leave for two weeks and turn off your phone, you're doing something wrong. And usually it is lack of trust or lack of training or hiring their own people or fear of failure and inability.
Teri Holland (11:35.376)
Teri Holland (11:41.23)
Mm hmm. Yep.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (11:50.979)
to detach and the problem with that is that when you try to become an owner, not an operator of your business, you're unable to detach and you won't be ever able to sell. And very often we know only what we know. We're not exposed to other things. And when we bring in people from different environments, they actually have ideas that could enhance our business. But that's the business side. Another thing for optimizing your brain, it is doing your blood work regularly. So,
Teri Holland (12:19.984)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (12:21.411)
your blood work, there are 10 things that you should do regularly. Every six months is recommended. If you do it every year, we're still good. So first of all is looking at your ferritin and iron, magnesium, potassium, CBC, and D3. Those are the six main ones. And there are a few other ones from hormones. Why? Because these are neurotransmitters. If you are not producing neurotransmitters, your brain doesn't have enough fuel to make the right decisions. So take care of that.
Teri Holland (12:30.64)
Teri Holland (12:39.022)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (12:50.32)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (12:52.021)
Another thing, if you're an entrepreneur and if you wake up between about 2 a .m. and 4 a .m. every night, that means your stress levels, which is release of cortisol, is too high. You're not waking up because you can't sleep, although if you're in perimenopause or menopause, please go check your hormones because they do influence your brain. But if you are a male or a female and you're not in perimenopause or you are in menopause and you check your hormones and they're okay,
Teri Holland (13:04.334)
Teri Holland (13:13.296)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (13:20.291)
That means you are actually working through stress in your body in a way that is preventing you from actually optimizing your brain. See, what happens is when we release a lot of cortisol, and again, cortisol is not bad. It's a good thing. When we see a lion, we want to be stressed. We don't want to go, oh, hi kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, right? If we see a person who is trying to destroy our business, that stress is good.
Teri Holland (13:31.792)
Teri Holland (13:36.366)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (13:42.024)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (13:48.515)
Now the stress is good until it paralyzes you. And a lot of people either get paralyzed by stress or they function properly and then they fall apart. I'm going to ask you if you're an entrepreneur, if you ever had a very intense period of time and you were just pushing through, which is a very unhealthy and you're, I got to do this, you know, I got to meet blah, blah, blah, whatever we tell ourselves the stories. And then that period ends. How many of you got sick?
Teri Holland (13:51.792)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (13:58.8)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (14:18.403)
90 % of people will get sick. Why? Because the release of stress is gone and now your body needs to regenerate because when you're stressed, all the other functions are slowing down and you're in a survival mode. So everything else is not getting the right nutrients, it's not functioning properly. So your body goes, okay, well, I'm good. I'm good. Now I need to, it's time for me to relax, right? I need to go back to my balance. So all of that is actually created by your brain.
Teri Holland (14:18.584)
Teri Holland (14:35.152)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (14:46.211)
It's not you, there's nothing wrong with you. That's a biological function. And what we fail to notice is that optimizing your brain is besides your psychology, is the brain topology and how your brain functions. And a beautiful story also told by Tony Robbins, which I think it's phenomenal for men and women, is that when he was in a partnership with three men and those men were negotiating and let's say the
Teri Holland (14:50.926)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (15:00.142)
Teri Holland (15:12.206)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (15:15.491)
They failed, right, in the negotiations, all three of them. One of them went ballistic, started throwing things and was furious, pissed off and cursing. The other one was super mad and one was peeved. And the conversation was, they had the same event, the same thing happened to all three of them. Yet there were three very different reactions. Which one was the healthiest? Well, the healthiest was actually of the gentleman who was peeved.
Why? Because his stress level didn't go up and he was like, okay, well, if I get upset, first of all, they win. And second of all, I'm not serving myself nor my body. I am actually releasing a lot of stress hormones and that will influence my other decisions. When I say calm and say, okay, well, I lost. Okay. So what else can I do about it? The meaning that he assigned to it was of least value. One saw this as end of the world. Nothing else will happen.
Teri Holland (15:57.008)
Teri Holland (16:13.304)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (16:14.755)
We are going to fail. Our company is going to go under the second one. His ego got hurt. Probably all three egos got hurt, but visually. And the third one was going, okay, well I lost. Okay. It's a battle. So what can I do differently? So they assign different value to the event. And I want to ask you what value are you assigning to your business? Because your business is not you. Your business is exactly that. It is your business. It's not who you are.
Teri Holland (16:35.246)
Teri Holland (16:41.552)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (16:43.331)
It's not the representation of you. It could be the representation of the skills, but those can be upgraded. And if we now go to Stanford studies, phenomenal software studies, we actually kill our ability to succeed in a pleasant way. See what we do, we concentrate on the final result. If we're going to win, we're going to get the contract. What we miss in the line of the final result is concentrating on the process.
Teri Holland (16:50.542)
Teri Holland (17:05.328)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (17:13.347)
Studies from Stanford have shown that if you concentrate on daily successes and little things, activities, not actions, action is a one -time thing, activities that you perform every day and you celebrate them, you raise the level of comfort, you raise the level of happiness, you decrease the level of your stress level. And at the same time, because you repeat the activities and you're enjoying them and you're celebrating them,
Teri Holland (17:23.928)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (17:41.603)
you with time do them quicker and you achieve the result anyway. In comparison to a person who's only concentrating on the final result, what happens is, is that when we have a goal, it can become overwhelming because we're just looking at something that's far away and we cannot grasp, you know, it's so far, it's so difficult, it's so hard. Well, there are ways to mitigate that because overwhelm again is a precursor to being stressed.
Teri Holland (17:55.856)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (18:03.566)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (18:09.921)
stress shuts down your nervous system, then you stop performing as well. So brain optimization works based on creating new habits that create actually enjoyment because when we're enjoying something, our brain goes, this feels good. It feels good. Let me do it again. So it stops being a chore. It stops being hard. It becomes something that you just do and you enjoy the celebration.
Teri Holland (18:14.768)
Teri Holland (18:36.976)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (18:38.627)
It is important to counteract everything that you're experiencing that might be uncomfortable. Another thing I would highly suggest is something that I teach all my clients is a sentence that you will have in your head. So let's say you're getting an email from an annoying client and we get annoying clients. They're only annoying because we allow them to be annoying to us.
Teri Holland (18:56.496)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (19:00.592)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (19:03.043)
So one of the things to stop the progression of you getting agitated and uncomfortable, I want you to say in your head, do not say it out loud. Please don't ever say it out loud. Ask to be expected. Not as I was expecting it, as I thought it was. No, ask to be expected without the personalization. What happens is your brain gets the thought and every thought is a chemical release that makes you feel in a certain way. And if you are expecting it,
Teri Holland (19:12.656)
Teri Holland (19:17.52)
Teri Holland (19:31.952)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (19:32.547)
asked to be expected, then your brain goes, well, if I was absent, there's no reason to get upset because I mean, I knew this was going to happen. So now you are not going into a non -resourceful state. You're actually able to think and find an answer. And that works also for your spouse.
Teri Holland (19:44.59)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (19:50.576)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (19:52.067)
Just don't say it out loud because then it doesn't work.
Teri Holland (19:55.246)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (19:56.451)
then it's triggering to them. So basically neuroplasticity after we're 25 needs to be directed. We need to tell our brain that we need something to change. And I don't know if you've ever done an exercise with food and brain because we can use that for everything. So if you tell your brain and generalize things that everything like this is hard, this is difficult,
Teri Holland (20:04.784)
Teri Holland (20:19.088)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (20:25.347)
I'm overwhelmed, I'm overworked, I'm just grinding, my life is hard, you know. You create this certain image in your head of being an entrepreneur. I'm not saying it's easy, but there's no reason to make it even harder than it is. So what your brain does, your brain goes, oh, this is hard. Okay, so I need to find proof. So it pulls events from your life and daily life to prove you right. Now, what if you would say,
Teri Holland (20:25.584)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (20:36.3)
Teri Holland (20:41.582)
Teri Holland (20:47.31)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (20:53.232)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (20:55.171)
Oh, running a business is pretty easy. I guarantee you that you have examples in your life as well. When running a business was pretty easy, your brain will pull those examples from your life as well. And we'll start searching for those again. Your brain will always prove you right. It's it's it's role because anytime you're wrong, it has to use more energy and it's built.
Teri Holland (21:04.174)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (21:07.888)
Teri Holland (21:15.502)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (21:23.285)
biologically to conserve your energy. So anything that it can become a habit, an automatic thought, something that it's easy to prove, it's all excited. It's lazy. And that's how it is. It's nothing about you. It's nothing about me. All of us have lazy brains. Because our brain is designed to protect us.
Teri Holland (21:26.416)
Teri Holland (21:32.75)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (21:37.168)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (21:49.571)
So it's conserving energy in case that lion comes. And sometimes those lions do come, but that's not the time you're going to deal with your business most likely. This is the time you're going to deal with the lion, right? Because everything else fades out. So with that being said, neuroscience, it is using what we know about the brain to use it to your advantage. And one of the most beautiful things is I love when some of the employers that I work with,
Teri Holland (21:54.286)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (22:03.344)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (22:19.779)
and business owners that go, you know, we need to have KPIs, we need to meet them. I check what people, I have those lists. Well, unfortunately your prefrontal cortex, which is the planning, the predicting, everything else you do in your brain shuts down basal ganglia and a few other areas of your brain that are responsible for creativity. You can't be creative when you're logical. And the only way to find solutions is to be bored.
Teri Holland (22:24.686)
Teri Holland (22:32.528)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (22:40.848)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (22:48.995)
And being bored is part of growth because when we don't have, we come up with ideas, our brain starts to connect information. So I invite you as a business owner to have time to be bored, not to have a task list. And when you do even the tiny things, celebrate them, have the dopamine release. No, I don't want you to have a dopamine release. I would love for you.
Teri Holland (22:49.712)
Teri Holland (23:03.632)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (23:08.528)
Teri Holland (23:16.816)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (23:18.691)
to have actually serotonin release. And what's the difference? Dopamine is a happy calm hormone. It allows you to calm down and it's kind of like sitting on the couch and we're in love and we're happy. Serotonin is a happy hormone connected to motivation, which is connected to action. That's why when you do something, that's why you celebrate.
Teri Holland (23:21.808)
Teri Holland (23:26.872)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (23:32.706)
Teri Holland (23:37.646)
Teri Holland (23:43.76)
Nice. Oh, I love that. Yeah, that's... Oh, I would love that. I could listen to you forever. Yeah, I absolutely love that. You know, one thing as I'm listening to you talk, one thing I'm kind of curious about is so many entrepreneurs deal with imposter syndrome. And do you have any suggestions for how they can begin to curb that and overcome that imposter syndrome?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (23:49.187)
I can talk forever, so that's correct.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (24:13.763)
Absolutely Absolutely imposter syndrome. I love imposter syndrome because I used to have it So basically imposter syndrome is a feeling of not good enough so what our brain does It compares us to somebody else to be honest if I compare myself to Mel Robbins and Tony Robbins and Jay Shetty I'm useless. I can just stop doing what I'm doing
Teri Holland (24:20.816)
Ah, yeah.
Teri Holland (24:27.118)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (24:38.51)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (24:43.363)
The problem with that is that they've been doing that for 40, 50, 60 years, however long, and they have dedicated their life to it. So what I see is a snippet of lifelong learning and exposure to knowledge. But if I look at them when they were in year three, four of their business, I'm way further ahead than they were. Tony Robbins in year three, four was a janitor.
Teri Holland (24:48.334)
Teri Holland (24:58.734)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (25:07.47)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (25:11.171)
and definitely not generating income from his dream. This is what I do for a living. I don't do anything else. So first thing we got to realize, and I want you to memorize this like a mantra, put it on your freaking screen, put it on your windows mirrors, self to self for progress, self to others for inspiration.
Teri Holland (25:15.214)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (25:19.118)
Teri Holland (25:37.07)
Mmm, nice.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (25:40.931)
They are in a different path, in a different place and time with different excitement. And also what you see is a snippet. I have worked with a beautiful woman, age 57, owner of a very big distribution company for medical equipment. Very successful. The most miserable person I've seen besides myself. And the misery came from the fact,
Teri Holland (26:06.936)
Oh wow.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (26:10.275)
that she unconsciously, when she grew the company, she created a monster and it's easier to, as we know, kill the monster when it's small nuts, when it's big. So on a day she came to me and we were coaching for a while and she goes, okay, it's time to deal with my business. I got my mindset pretty right. You know, we've done the brain stuff. I'm working on this. This is progressing. I have a problem here. I'm like, what's that? I get 1 ,235 emails a day.
Teri Holland (26:20.494)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (26:37.251)
I feel overwhelmed. There's no way I can manage this. There's no way. And a lot of them, I cannot do anything about them. I'm like, do you trust me? She looks at me like, feeling uncomfortable. Obviously she goes, yes. My great. I want you to now put a line against that. And I want you to write to all your employees and people who write you emails, one big mass email. And it's going to state the server has died and we're having technical issues.
Teri Holland (26:39.704)
Teri Holland (26:45.264)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (27:06.787)
Please send me only things I need to take action on today. That's all you're gonna send. So within about 20 minutes, she received throughout the day, first 20 minutes was the most and then throughout the day. I'm wondering, guess how many emails did she get?
Teri Holland (27:15.216)
Teri Holland (27:27.248)
How many?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (27:28.515)
Teri Holland (27:30.734)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (27:33.059)
See, people were feeling insecure in their decisions. So just in case they cc'd her own everything. As a result, she felt obliged because it's her baby, her company to respond to everybody, but that was impossible. So at the end, she didn't know which email was important or which wasn't because there's no way you're going to reach from 1 ,235 emails every freaking day. It's not happening. And we...
Teri Holland (27:41.52)
Teri Holland (27:47.726)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (28:01.39)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (28:01.955)
that exercise few times and then I asked, okay, so what can you do differently? So this doesn't happen again. And we started working on her management skills because being a manager, it doesn't mean you're going to create other managers, but you means you will create people who are able to make decisions in the area. And even if they make mistakes, they will mistake what make that's natural. We all make mistakes. It's easier to fix a mistake than no decision.
Teri Holland (28:23.376)
Teri Holland (28:27.758)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (28:32.771)
And it took us a while to reverse the culture. But at the end, she ended up with 60 emails more or less daily. But that's doable for the person who is running a big company. And then she grew to a point she went, well, maybe this one can be done by my director, right? So she delegated and she left it alone. And now she's an owner because she only shows up at work once a month. She has a big meeting.
Teri Holland (28:33.072)
Teri Holland (28:41.25)
Teri Holland (28:45.072)
Teri Holland (28:59.088)
Mmm, nice.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (29:01.059)
They make decisions and she goes on her merry way. There's a very big difference between a mindset of an operator and an owner. Those are not the same. So most of us are operators.
Teri Holland (29:11.118)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (29:16.195)
And if you want to grow at one point, we need to become owners, which means letting go. Kind of like we're raising the kids, you know, when we have kids, we're not raising them for us. We're raising for somebody to marry them or for themselves to be happy and be on their merry way. But that means you're going to go through the part of your life where you're alone and you need to recreate your identity. Who are you when you're not a dad? Who are you when you're not a mom?
Teri Holland (29:20.048)
Teri Holland (29:23.76)
Teri Holland (29:29.198)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (29:33.008)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (29:45.443)
Who are you when you're not cooking every day? And what are you going to do with all this time? Right? So the same thing is with business owners and imposter syndrome. They see snippets and you know, people with imposter syndrome have a tendency of going to a lot of courses, taking a lot of classes, reading a lot of books. I'm going to ask you, what's more valuable stored knowledge or knowledge that you use?
Teri Holland (29:45.744)
Teri Holland (29:50.81)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (30:02.874)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (30:06.672)
Teri Holland (30:13.102)
Right. Right.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (30:14.915)
and we create stored knowledge in our head. I guarantee you, I, that most people, they go to those events, they go to courses and they go, oh my God, this was so amazing. Okay. And what did you choose to work?
What did you choose to work on? You pick one thing, just one thing, and start working on it. Make it your own so you can actually take value from what you've learned. And imposter syndrome starts with saying, I know enough for the people I'm serving. And I'm going to make this as good as it can be. And the truth is, it's not about you. It's about people you're serving, whatever you do.
If your customers are happy, it is not up to you to say you're not good enough because they are happy. You did that for love, not for yourself. If you're doing this for yourself, you're in the wrong business. We are here to serve customers. If my customer, and I have that quite often and I work on that as well, although I'm pretty good at it now, when my client goes, oh my God, this was amazing. I got so much on my case. So what are you going to do? What, you know, scale one to 10, blah, blah, blah.
Teri Holland (31:07.6)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (31:29.379)
We did a closing element of coaching and I'm like, gosh, you know, I could have done this and I could have done this differently. And that person is ecstatic. They go, I got what I needed. I'm like, what is wrong with me? Like they got what they needed. And I'm there for their service. They got what they needed. Do not deprive my clients, my customers, talking to myself, to a mirror, of having the joy.
Teri Holland (31:36.784)
Teri Holland (31:43.08)
Teri Holland (31:54.574)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (31:56.739)
and experiencing and experience the joy with them because you gave them what they wanted. And that's part of imposter syndrome that is lingering still in there, right? What if I'm not enough? What if I don't know enough? Well, even doctors have specializations. There are things I can't help you with. And we'll have, I have a list of people I refer people to. And that's part of high quality service.
Teri Holland (32:05.072)
Teri Holland (32:14.448)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.
Teri Holland (32:23.056)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (32:26.627)
You don't need to know everything. Nobody knows everything. You need to be great at what you do. You need to have loyal raving fans as customers. But for them to be that, you gotta trust that they are. It's kind of like women. And I'm gonna bring that around, because men do that less, but women do that, especially women owners. You look so amazing. You look wonderful. Oh yeah, I just slapped it on very quickly at them.
Teri Holland (32:36.368)
Teri Holland (32:51.536)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (32:54.883)
What did you do? Not only you didn't receive the compliment that was designed to make you feel good and somebody did it because they wanted to, you also took away their joy from giving to you.
Teri Holland (32:54.894)
Teri Holland (33:03.92)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (33:07.888)
Right, yeah.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (33:09.891)
And when our customers express, I loved it, then just take it as I loved it. If one customer says, oh, you know, it could have been better. Great. What could have been better? But the truth is you work with so many people. You got to choose your bottles. Where do you want to go? Is it even possible that all customers will love you? Absolutely not.
Teri Holland (33:23.374)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (33:38.787)
So concentrate on those that you want to serve and that are important to you. And imposter syndrome is paralyzing. It takes away joy and it keeps you comparing yourself to people that you have no business comparing to. There's only one of you. Now there are tactics and ways we can work through this and there are plenty of exercises where we need to stop certain thoughts. One of them is stop technique.
Teri Holland (33:54.768)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (34:06.219)
Another one is using the questionnaire of ants, right? Automatic negative dots. That's actually interesting. Imposter syndrome, we use the same techniques as we use for women and men with low self image.
Teri Holland (34:11.056)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (34:21.552)
Okay, yeah.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (34:22.723)
They say, I want to look like that person. So we start looking for facts. And then very often we find out that that person that they want to look like is actually bigger than they are.
Teri Holland (34:27.088)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (34:32.782)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (34:34.307)
Because when we take the measurements, it turns out that the person who's feeling inadequate is actually smaller than the person they want to look like because they have a distorted image. And that's the same with imposter syndrome.
Teri Holland (34:44.654)
Mm -hmm. Yes.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (34:48.131)
Now, if you're really missing some information, something crucial that is necessary, absolutely go for it and study. But then after you study, implement it and ask for feedback and celebrate every time somebody says you did what they needed you to do.
Teri Holland (34:58.256)
Teri Holland (35:07.952)
Great. Excellent. Well, and how do you, so if somebody comes to you to work with you, how do they work with you? What are their next steps?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (35:17.571)
That depends if it's a company or it's an individual person. If it's an individual person, you first sign up for something called a discovery call and we chat. We chat, we do a sample session. You interview me, I interview you. There are some people I say, I would love to help you, but you're asking for things I don't do. So this is the list of people I'm going to send you to. But if it's something I can do, then we, I send them a contract. I send them the fees.
Teri Holland (35:21.102)
Teri Holland (35:25.744)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (35:39.088)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (35:45.827)
They get a whole bunch of things to fill in. That takes about a few days. And then we set up a certain time that you worked, we worked together for 12, 24 sessions, or if you want to extend longer. Most people don't need me after 24 session. Some people do because there's a lot to work when they never work with a coach. So they do their blood work. They do their brain health assessment. They do brain type assessment. If they have ADHD, we do
Teri Holland (35:48.654)
Mm -hmm. Okay.
Teri Holland (36:02.736)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (36:15.265)
ADHD type assessment. So we know we look at if supplements are necessary or they're not necessary. And then we set up a plan and we decide to work on different things. And we start the process when we work together, then you have a lot of homework to do in between sessions, because your work is actually between sessions, we need to get into your body, we need to get into your brain, we need to create the new neural pathways, we need to create the
Teri Holland (36:18.254)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (36:38.576)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (36:43.625)
behaviors we need to direct your brain and neuroplasticity to that specific event that we want to change. And we teach you self -reflection at the same time so you can start stopping yourself. So for example, you know the funny thing because, oh, have your word of the year. Well, having a word of the year is good. What do you do to practice it? How do you practice it on the daily basis so it becomes a pattern? Remember,
Teri Holland (36:56.696)
Teri Holland (37:01.028)
Teri Holland (37:04.624)
Yeah. Yeah.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (37:11.235)
Your brain loves to optimize things. And if it feels good and you celebrate it and it becomes a pattern, it just becomes quicker and it becomes part of you can move on to the next thing. It's kind of like with exercise, if we'll go, oh, I'm gonna go exercise. Well, if you exercise eight hours once every three months, besides sore muscles and feeling unhappy, not much is going to happen. Yet if you exercise 10 minutes a day, you'll get better results and you will get results.
Teri Holland (37:13.912)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (37:28.944)
Teri Holland (37:33.264)
Teri Holland (37:37.486)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (37:38.921)
compared to the eight hours once every three months. And that's another thing that we do. Your brain loves tiny little things that are easy to do, not overwhelming. You get to celebrate and your brain loves that because it doesn't see it as a big change and use of energy. So we start to learn how to think of life in little things, enjoy those things and allow your brain to...
Teri Holland (37:46.8)
Teri Holland (37:51.792)
Teri Holland (37:57.808)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (38:07.299)
feel at ease with less stress, less overwhelm, which means you are more creative. Also, when you're not in your comfort zone, you are less productive. So we need to decide where do we want to grow because you're most productive in your comfort zone. If everything is out of comfort zone, you will achieve absolutely nothing. That's why huge New Year's resolutions don't work.
Teri Holland (38:12.45)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (38:20.592)
Teri Holland (38:33.966)
Mm -hmm.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (38:34.435)
So we got to choose, okay, what are we focusing on right now? What are we learning and what are we going to be failing at or learning, right? That's gonna be out of comfort zone. Everything else, leave it as is. You cannot do a revolution change unless you're in a traumatic life saving situation. That's when revolutions work well. Every other time they don't.
Teri Holland (38:53.872)
Teri Holland (38:58.864)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (38:59.203)
Set yourself up for success and enjoy the journey.
Teri Holland (39:03.888)
Teri Holland (39:07.344)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (39:08.419)
how you work with me. And if you're a company, you know, I go in, we do lunch and learns, we do keynotes. And we choose different things where your people can have aha moments. And there are some companies that, you know, have me as a coach. And instead of going to HR, you work with me so we can change the behaviors. So HR doesn't have to do the investigation, if not necessary, if there's miscommunication, because as we know, the moment you report it, they have to investigate, they have to get involved. But you can just
Teri Holland (39:10.192)
Teri Holland (39:30.062)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (39:38.069)
ask for a coach and say, hey, I need a coach. I'm having some issues. And then you work with a person like me. So those are the ways you can.
Teri Holland (39:38.094)
Teri Holland (39:46.128)
Fantastic. Excellent. And how do people find you? What's the best way to connect with you?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (39:51.499)
Your Brain Coach Z wherever you go. Your Brain Coach Z on Instagram. Your Brain Coach Z on Facebook. Your Brain Coach Z on LinkedIn. Your Brain Coach Z the website.
Teri Holland (39:54.128)
I love it.
Teri Holland (40:02.996)
Perfect, nice and easy. I love it. And now I have some rapid fire questions for you. This is actually the first time I'm doing this, so you get to be the first one to try it out. So, so let's dive into those. Favorite book?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (40:13.441)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (40:20.707)
full of money.
Teri Holland (40:22.096)
Oh, I haven't read that. I'm going to have to check it out. Summer.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (40:24.685)
It's a very old book. I don't remember who wrote it. I have it on my shelf. And it is about a mindset, but it's written in a different way and using your brain as a part of creating a reality, which again, bad and good is available. You get to choose what you concentrate on. It's a very good book. I really liked it. The magician's way is also very good.
Teri Holland (40:34.16)
Teri Holland (40:40.912)
Yeah. Yep.
Definitely gonna read that. Definitely gonna... Yeah, thank you. Oh, I'll check that out too. Summer or winter? Are you a summer or winter?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (40:58.339)
Teri Holland (40:59.536)
Spring! Nice. Favorite food.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (41:03.787)
Teri Holland (41:05.232)
Oh, delicious. Biggest pet peeve.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (41:09.995)
Lack of integrity.
Teri Holland (41:11.63)
Oh yeah, that's a good one. Who inspires you?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (41:16.033)
everybody I meet because everybody is better at something.
Teri Holland (41:19.64)
I love that. And three things you would take with you on a deserted island.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (41:27.651)
My daughters, if they choose to go with me. My cat, he has no say about it.
Teri Holland (41:29.144)
Mm -hmm.
Teri Holland (41:33.582)
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (41:38.049)
and music.
Teri Holland (41:39.664)
Great. Who's a celebrity you'd like to have dinner with, dead or alive?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (41:44.739)
Oh, I have a few. I am absolutely the biggest ever fan of Julia Roberts. And another person is Andrew Huberman, who just got a girlfriend. I don't like him anymore. But yeah, he's, I'm absolutely mesmerized by this human with his knowledge, the way he speaks, the way he presents himself, the way he's carries himself. I'm hands down, like, I would love to meet both of them.
Teri Holland (41:52.304)
Oh, amazing.
Teri Holland (41:58.512)
Teri Holland (42:07.024)
Teri Holland (42:13.84)
Great. And last one, go to karaoke song.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (42:18.817)
Oh gosh, there are so many. I love karaoke and I do sing. So I'm gonna go with vanity, me being very, you know, kind of, I like compliments like everybody else. And the most I get is when I sing, Knocking on Heaven's Door by Fanta Roses.
Teri Holland (42:21.2)
Teri Holland (42:26.576)
Teri Holland (42:33.808)
Of course, yeah.
Teri Holland (42:41.008)
Oh, great song. It's a great choice. And any final words from you or final thoughts before we finish up today?
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (42:50.115)
Your brain is your responsibility. And if life is not working the way you want to, it is your responsibility to change it. Everybody in your past did the best they could with the knowledge they had. And you can create a magnificent life if you choose to. Don't fall into a trap, work hard, play hard, and that you have to burn your boats. It's not true. There are better ways to do it with a lot more joy.
not balance, but enjoyment in life.
Teri Holland (43:22.736)
Thank you. Thank you so much for being here today. I really appreciate this.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (43:26.755)
It was my absolute pleasure. I hope you guys got some value.
Teri Holland (43:30.416)
Tons, tons of value. Thank you.
Dominika Staniewicz - Your Brain coach D (43:32.931)
Thank you.