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Ditching the Laptop Lifestyle; The Key to Success and Well-being business entrepreneurship performance Jul 18, 2023

You can work from anywhere.

But should you?

The laptop lifestyle… you can travel anywhere and take your business with you. That’s the entrepreneurial dream isn’t it?


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Unlocking Your CEO Mindset: Essential Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success business entrepreneurship mindset Jul 02, 2023

What is your mindset in your business? 
You can't grow your business without having the right mindset. 


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The Myth Of Authenticity communication emotional intelligence Jun 21, 2023

Authenticity is a word that gets thrown around a lot, particularly in the world of personal development. But what does it actually mean? And how can we ensure that we’re using it in the right...

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Knowing Your Values business communication leadership mindset nlp Jun 14, 2023

What are your values? Do you know? A lot of people talk about values. It certainly become a buzzword in today's world, but not many people know what values truly are.

Your values are simply...

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Podcast to Grow Your Personal Brand personal brand podcasting visibility May 29, 2023

 I launched my podcast 8 years ago. I did it because I thought it would be a fun project for me to do… I had no idea what it would do for my business. After about 2-3 weeks, I reached...

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What I Learned From Going Viral On TikTok communication confidence resilience social media May 16, 2023

I went viral on TikTok and I learned some things.

I'm not talking a little bit of viral. I'm not talking "viral for me". I mean like it went crazy viral. It blew up. Previous to this one, my...

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5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Need Emotional Intelligence and How To Get It (even if you don't know what it is) business communication emotional intelligence leadership Apr 18, 2023

As an entrepreneur, there is no feeling worse than receiving a negative email from an unhappy client.

Have you been there before? I sure have.

I remember years ago when I was still in personal...

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The Power of Self-Awareness in Achieving Entrepreneurial Success business mindset success Apr 11, 2023

As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of running a business. From managing employees to keeping up with finances, there never seems to be enough...

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Who Do You Want To Be In 2023? confidence goal setting mindset Dec 11, 2022

"Who do I want to be in 2023?" This is the most important question you can ask yourself right now. 

The answer to this question will lay the framework for what you accomplish.

How you see...

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Networking At Your Holiday Parties communication networking Dec 04, 2022

 It’s holiday party time! Whether it’s a networking party, your spouses work party, a family party or a friends party, there is always an opportunity to network. Whether you love...

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What You Need To Achieve Your Goals Nov 28, 2022

 Goal: an aim or an end in mind

Aim; relates to direction

End; relates to outcome

Have you ever set a goal and got exactly what you wanted?

Have you ever set a goal and got nothing even close...

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How To Take A Break From Your Business Without Blowing It Up business performance Nov 20, 2022

The holiday season is looming. How do you take a break without blowing up your business in the process?

You might be thinking...

"I have worked hard all year, I deserve a break"

"I should be able...

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