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The Blame Game communication nlp personal power Nov 12, 2022

If things aren't going your way, there's always someone or something you can blame.

If things aren't going right in your life, in your business, in your relationships, there's always someone or...

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Stop Making This Networking Mistake And They'll Never Forget You business communication networking Oct 29, 2022

The purpose of networking is to connect with other business owners and professionals, to find potential partnerships, joint ventures, clients and referral sources. Yet, I see most business owners...

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The Cost Of Miscommunication business communication nlp Oct 19, 2022

Imagine if you could communicate in a way that your message always gets through no matter who you're communicating with.

How is your communication affecting your bottom line in business?


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How to Build Your Confidence Through Commitment business confidence goal setting Oct 11, 2022

What does it take to become more confident today?

And I mean, really become more confident, the kind of confidence that becomes magnetic to other people, the confidence that leads to becoming a...

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3 Ways Hypnosis Improves Performance In Business hypnosis Dec 23, 2021

To thrive in business, you need to perform at your best, and have the edge over your competition. 

Hypnosis gives you the tools to do just that and it's the reason why more and more high...

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What is Time Line TherapyĀ®? nlp time line therapy Dec 11, 2021

Time Line Therapy® is the most advanced techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) developed in the 1980's by Dr. Tad James.

By utilizing a persons individual time line, we can let...

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NLP vs. Hypnosis; What's The Difference? hypnosis nlp Dec 03, 2021

What is the difference between NLP and Hypnosis?

Hypnosis has roots that stretch as far back as ancient history. As far back as we go, we will find some form of hypnosis used in healing. The term...

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Why Top Leaders Learn NLP business nlp training performance Mar 18, 2021

Exceptional leaders have these traits in common:

  1. Communication
  2. Influence
  3. Self mastery
  4. Focus
  5. Empathy

In our increasingly complex world, it is becoming more important to not only...

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Not Again! Aug 31, 2020

You swore it would never happen again.And there you are repeating the same thing that happened before in the past.

Have you ever found yourself in that situation where you you tell yourself

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Yes, you SHOULD set a New Year resolution goals Jan 02, 2020

We hear the same messages every year… 

“Resolutions don’t work”

“__% of resolutions fail”

“Don’t set resolutions”

I have a theory. My...
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How to Create Change in an Instant business goal setting nlp performance Nov 26, 2019

The year is winding down and it's time for goal setting and looking ahead at what you would like to achieve in your business next year. This is the time to assess what is working, and what...

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Is NLP Manipulation? nlp nlptraining Nov 01, 2019

I am asked this question often, "is NLP manipulation?"

And the answer is no. NLP is not manipulation. 

However, NLP can be used in manipulation, but NLP itself is not manipulation. 


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